Work / Social media

Govardhan Hills · Engagement Around Estates : A Real Estate Developer's Digital Marketing Success Story

Target Audience:

The Social Media Marketing project for Govardhan Hills aimed to target potential homebuyers and investors in Satapar, Anjar, and the broader Kutch region. The target audience included individuals and families seeking to invest in residential properties, first-time homebuyers, and those interested in luxurious and modern living spaces. The campaign also targeted individuals already following the developer's social media page and potential leads within the real estate market.

Message & Copywriting:

The campaign's key message was "Discover Your Dream Home at Govardhan Hills - A Modern Living Experience Amidst Serene Surroundings." The copywriting emphasized the project's unique selling points, such as luxurious living spaces, modern amenities, serene surroundings, and the prestigious reputation of the developer. The content aimed to evoke a sense of aspiration, comfort, and tranquility, encouraging potential buyers to explore the real estate offerings at Govardhan Hills.

Graphics Design & Video Shoots:

To visually convey the essence of luxurious living and serene surroundings, we designed eye-catching graphics featuring modern architectural elements, lush green landscapes, and the panoramic beauty of Govardhan Hills. Video shoots were conducted to create a compelling message from the main developer, promoting the project's vision, features, and offerings.


The implementation of the Social Media Marketing project involved three main strategies:

  • Developer's Video Message:

    The video featuring the main developer's message and vision for Govardhan Hills was boosted as an ad copy on meta platforms. This aimed to increase project awareness, generate interest, and foster internal sharing among the developer's followers and ad audiences.

  • Image Ads for Lead Generation:

    We ran lead generation campaigns using image ads that showcased the project's luxurious homes, amenities, and scenic surroundings. These ads directed potential buyers to inquiry forms and landing pages for further engagement.

  • Community Engagement:

    To foster community engagement, we regularly posted construction updates, project milestones, and testimonials from satisfied homebuyers. This built credibility and encouraged positive word-of-mouth.

Advertising & Results:

The Social Media Marketing campaign for Govardhan Hills achieved significant results:

  • Increased Awareness:

    The developer's video message received high engagement and internal sharing, leading to increased awareness among social media followers and ad audiences.

  • Lead Generation:

    The image ads for lead generation successfully captured potential buyers' attention, resulting in a substantial increase in leads and inquiries.

  • Brand Recognition:

    Govardhan Hills became a recognized and preferred name in the real estate market, known for its modern and luxurious living spaces.

  • Positive Community Interaction:

    The regular construction updates and testimonials encouraged community interaction, leading to positive word-of-mouth and referrals.


The successful Social Media Marketing project for Govardhan Hills effectively promoted the real estate housing project in Satapar, Anjar, and Kutch region. The engaging message from the main developer, visually appealing graphics, and lead generation campaigns attracted potential buyers and investors. The campaign's strategic focus on aspiration, comfort, and modern living amidst serene surroundings resonated well with the target audience, leading to increased project awareness and high lead generation. Our continued social media management and community engagement ensured Govardhan Hills' sustained growth and reputation in the real estate market. The project served as a successful digital arm of their overall marketing efforts, driving increased awareness, interest, and leads for Govardhan Hills.

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₹ 20,000 Per Month

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